Wednesday, November 5, 2014



Once Prophet (saw) entered into the house of 'Aishah (rah)  where he saw a curtain is containing pictures. His face changed and he tore it into pieces and said, "The people who receive the severest punishment from Allah will be the picture makers."

    Al-Bukhari in Kitab al-Adab no. 6109; Muslim in Kitab Az-Zakah no 2107

The Hadith and others are general for every kind of representation, whether it has a shadow, like a figure, or if it does not have a shadow, which is like a drawing on a wall, paper, clothing and so forth. It is confirmed that the Prophet (SAW) entered the Ka’bah and it contained pictures and he asked for a pitcher of water and he began to efface them, saying,

An exception to this ruling during this time is money containing the picture of kings as well as passports and identification cards. Due to the need and necessity of these items, it is allowed to carry them according to need.
 -Shaikh Ibn Jibreen

The Muslim should submit to the teachings of Islam and not argue with them by saying, "But I am not worshipping them or prostrating to them!" If we think about just one aspect of the evil caused by the prevalence of photographs and pictures in our times, we will understand something of the wisdom behind this prohibition: that aspect is the great corruption caused by the provoking of physical desires and subsequent spread of immorality caused by these pictures.

The Muslim should not keep any pictures of animate beings in his house, because they will prevent the angels from entering.

 The Prophet (saw) said: "The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or pictures."

    Al-Bukhaari, al-Fath, 10/380 

Allah(swt) knows the best

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


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